Russian Federation
Federal company Scientific Production Center "Ekotechnica" specializes in the development and deployment of various technologies and equipment for preparation and combustion of composite coal-water slurries (CWS).
Scientific Production Center "Ekotechnica" implements coal-water slurries, an ecologically-clean and economical source of energy, in low-power and medium-power locations. Being the leading producer in its field in Russia, the company carries out a whole set of tasks from outlining basic technical directives to constructing and launching systems that transform boiler-stations to run on CWS.
Kemorovskaya Oblast 654000
City of Novokuznetsk
2 Proezd Komunarov
The State Microbial Depository Center (also known as the Republic Center for Deposition of Microorganisms or RCDM) hosts Armenia's National Culture Collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms. The institution's task is to collect, study, and maintain microbial strains of scientific and industrial importance.
The Center is considered the basis for the Center of National Biological Resources, a collection of plant and animal tissues and cells. Presently, the Center represents the scientific potential of Armenia in basic and applied microbiology.
378510, Abovyan City,
Republic of Armenia
Phone/fax: (37422) 23240;
e-mail: Microbio@pnas.sci.am
or afrikian2002@yahoo.com
Web site: www.rcdm.am